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WildStar Press | Illustrated by Caitlin R.

By KC Cresc

Why speak in a world where everyone just shouts?

It's a question I ask myself a lot of the time as I write, as I breathe, as I am. Why speak in a

world where quiet is punished? Those who care to listen in order to understand, who care to

listen before interrupting… are seen first as hesitant or weak or unintelligent.

Those who chose to take in and understand somebody else because in silence is love. And in

this world, love is always seen as a kind of weakness.

Why speak in a world where there is a hierarchy? In which the other’s volume is allowed to

be louder and prioritized?

The darker the hand that writes; the darker the hand that grabs the mic, the more their

volume is turned down. The more they take bits and pieces and rearrange your words for

you. Where your words have to be concise, your words have to surpass their own vocabulary

and critical thinking comprehension.

Why speak in a world where you know that the audience is listening with the intention to

misunderstand you first, always?

Why speak in a world that doesn't seem to want to listen?

Why speak in a world that only values the first person that speaks up and that continues to

captivate the audience in a performative kind of way? Why speak in a world that only values


I want you to always speak in a world that does all of these things.

The day they have nothing else to ignore is the day they took your voice. It's the day they

took your pen and your will. It's the day they took your fire and your drive and we need both

of those in order to survive.

We speak in a world.

While the other side is shouting and just responding to each bullet point, you and I remain

quiet. We wait. We create stories. We give. We refresh each other. We practice the art of

loving one another.

We speak in a world.

Because at the end of the day, when it is time to turn down all of that pointless noise and shut

the blinds, the world knows people come to you for comfort. Whether that ‘world’ looks like a

community or one person.

We speak in a world.

Where everyone shouts because everyone is shouting. But, at the same time, we understand

the value of pause. We understand that there is zero correlation between being the loudest

speaker or the bestest talker and having good ideas; useful, relevant, and necessary.

I will always try to speak in a world where everyone shouts.


I've lived a life where everyone tries to shout over me. Thinking that will be enough to silence

me. Ostracize me.

I will always try to speak in a world where everyone shouts.


At least it frees something out of me. That is what is important. The point isn’t to shout the

loudest, but to maintain the habit of speaking your mind and communicating properly. Even

in this world that has non-stop voices, competing, shouting.

I always want my voice to be like the covers that you retreat to, at the end of the day, when

you exhale and you're ready to just imagine. Wonder. Become curious.

Why speak in a world where everyone just shouts?


You didn't give them consent to turn your volume down. You didn't give consent to be turned


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